News from the southern front.
Damn. Check out those colors! That's laundry on the line, balcony outback of the house. Jungle's in the background.
Yesterday, Grandpa and I went to the chicken fights: Guellera la Monseratte (that's the chicken pit). Well, guess what happens right as soon as I get in there. They're taking the chickens out that just fought, and something falls down onto my toes. It's red. And spotty. Yep. BLOOD. SPOOKY!! Goin' to the pit? Leave the Chaco's at home. OK. I was NOT disgusted by the fights, but not that interested either. Most of the time, the fight goes for 15 mins. then they stop it. But sometimes a chicken scores a death blow, which completely cripples its opponent. That's pretty cool to see. And if the chickens don't want to fight? Well, too damn bad!! You gotta fight! There's this rooster under the seat of the judge, and if the cocks stop fighting, he lets it loose on 'em. That gets 'em roused up right well.
Other than the pits, I like to go to the beach. Looks like paradise, huh? Well it is. And don't forget it (I'm trying not to!!). Kind of missing home still. But what the hell, here I am, go have a beer and watch the waves kick the surfers around. I walk up and down the sand looking for shells. I take em home, ruthlessly kill anything living inside, and string them onto dogbane necklackes. I stocked up on dogbane before I left O-H-I-O. And now I'm getting to know the science of necklace making: one arm's length of dogbane cordage, a few shells, maybe a bead. BAM!! Throw about 50 cloves of garlic in there! And, wha-la! A necklace. Watch out beach tourists... Banjo Chris is coming to take your money with "quality" goods. (Oh, did I mention that banjer almost didn't make it past security in Cleveland?? I threw a tantrum, rolled on the floor, screaming - the whole nine yards - and they let me through. Looking forward to doing it again when I leave...... When do I leave again???).