Alive and kickin'. Rincon, PR.

This is gotta be the most expensive blog post I've ever made. $1 per ten minutes, plus tax. So I ain't got time to check any spellings or use the backspace button. The public library in Rincon won't let me onto my blog or my social networks. Rude.

OK. I was feelin' soo stressed before I came down here. Had the trip on my mind: getting me and my grandpap down here, plus his truck (and it's not here, yet). Also had that girl on my mind again. Damn. Just when I find a girl, I go and leave the continental US. Smooth move, Exlax.

But, now I'm much better. Life is easy down here. This morn' grandpa showed me all the fruit trees around his house. Mangos, oranges, grapefruit, coconut, avacado. Most of them have fruit, too. Took a couple of machettes and whacked back the jungle that springs up in this perpetually beautiful weather. It's the rainy season (the cool season). Temperatures in the mid-eighties. Gentle rain every afternoon. And tourist season is just starting up, too. That's good for me because I need a job. Like whoa. Grandpa takes care of me and all. Buys me food from the panaderia down the street every day, which is bomb. Let me digress here to say that the food here is way better than in the US. I mean, this food's got flava. Spanish is coming along good. Get lots of practice. Getting better hearing it. OK. Enough digression. I need money because when I come back to the states, I want to spend some time traveling. Like, I'm thinking of flying to Florida and heading north seeing the sights as I go. Def wanna hit the Appalachian Trail, maybe the Keys too, umm... Graceland or something? Who knows?!

OK. Job leads: there's a graphic design company down here. I'd like to talk with them. Restuarants, bars, hotels. And, snorkling/fishing boats.

Oh yes.... I'm rockin' the pony tail most hard. Wish I had a picture for you all, but I haven't even broke out the camera yet! Soon, friends. Be patient. Chris Z. is planning a visit. Maybe in February?

Got itchy feet. I wanna move! Miss Ohio, Athens and a large group of people. Love ya'! Hasta!


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