But, Reaching Out Is Hard To Do

This year is our five year wedding anniversary. I want to check-in with the wedding party and musicians to see how they are. The desire has been rolling in me for a while. It's affecting my dreams, now. 

I've been dreaming of people I know, err knew. People I've left behind, unfortunately. People with whom I should reconnect. First, it was Dianne, a violin player I gigged with. I was traveling far away in the dream, and somehow I met her. We may have played a little music.

Then, it was Rob, an NC friend who is now in SF, CA. I dreamt my family visted his family in SF. His house was my old co-op though. He and I snuck off, smoked a joint, and he took me for a drive. His car (in fact lots of cars could) drive on water, right over the Bay.


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