Boy, I must like blogging late at night because here it is midnight and I'm on the computer typing away. Keeping my roommates awake; the rucus of nimble little fingers on a particularly clicky keyboard. But, it's not particularly the night time blogging keeping me awake. I've just been having such a good time in the late night. Last night, for example, I made a cape from an old wool army blanket. It's a pretty neat thing. It's semicircle in shape with another smaller semicircle cut out for the neck. I made the neckhole too big, alas. But, I believe it's beautiful all the same. And, a mighty fine cape. I'll put a hood on that thing, then I'll be ready for the woods. Got my poncho (see Lost and Found ). Got my backpack (see Oh, I've been in a place ... ). Got my sleeping bag (see 'H' is for 'hairy' man ... ). Now I got my cape. I also got bugs on me right now! Some multitude of litte creepers. They bite like fleas. I had fleas once in h...