To be refreshed

I went out back behind work yesterday (building 11), into an area where the scrub woods, pines and young hardwoods, are bisected to open a wide shady space. The space has been un-neatly filled with various plant debris (clippings, dirt, defuncted annuals), probably by Cisco facilities. You can walk over the mounds of detritus to Lake Betz (the northern side). I walked there sloping from pine to grass to soggy ground, cattail muck, recurred bramble thorn, a trampled deer path. I stopped short when a noticed a patch of grey under a beech tree. I went down - yoga squat - close to mud, close to grass sweeps where something goes in and out of the lake, brown water but settled and clear, trying not to disturb the solemnity. After a few minutes, I bowed and humbly picked my way back through the brier as the heron watched.

That little natural jaunt sort-of changed me in a way that slowly washed off as I waded through the next day. We left North Carolina on I-77 north, and I felt like I saw the Blue Ridge Mountains for the first in a long time, through the naked trees, curving back behind the driver side window. The road banked right to draw up almost parallel to them, but off kilter a little, bound to intersect, and go up over the mountains. It was like a slow collision, two timelines, or two particles fusing. I imagined beautifully recursive spirals. 

We stopped in Wytheville, VA, at an outskirt Starbucks we first visited as young lovers, and continue to visit as we grow old together. I took Benji out a-walking while Susan and Adella cleaned up and got coffee. Across a big grassy field under - what? - cherry trees, sits a little drainage pond where flies bubble up in the slanting light, savoring the warmth of fall before winter sets in. It was the day before Solstice. 


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