Is traveling with an infant a good idea?

We left in high pollen, kicking up clouds of yellow dust in our wake. When we reached Virginia, the trees were still leafing, but once we climbed the Shenandoahs, the trees were winters’ brown. In West Virginia, they became tart, yellow green again.

Athens was a bit of a whirlwind. Susan stayed at the BnB while I went to pickup takeout Casa. The city was jumping, but then it was an exceptionally warm spring Thursday - the weekends begin for many students on Thursday as often a class will not meet on Friday. I drove down Mill Street and the shirtless college boys didn’t stop their game of catch football as I passed. They simply chucked the ball over my car. When I finally returned to the house, our old friends and their kids were there. The house was a jumble with a baby crying, children running, and adults shuffling behind. For the kids, I bought a simple bag of Nilla Wafers with “artificially flavored” boldly advertised on the package. It wasn’t until dark settled when the house was quiet and empty (Susan and Kelly took the babe and dog for a walk) that I finally enjoyed my Casa dinner.

In Lorain, we stayed at my sister’s place and let family come to us. We had a meet-and-greet for Adella with a taco-themed diner. One day, I visited an outrageously hip record shop with the hands down best selection I have ever seen. I picked up a vinyl copy of Davies “Eight Songs For A Mad King”, which I used to listen to on vinyl during my college days. I even checked it out of the music library once and took it and an old record player into my toddler classroom with the hopes of blowing some impressionable minds.

We left Jessica’s and drove through the rolling hills of Ohio’s northern farmers and Amish. On the way to Columbus, we ordered a lunch and dinner for our friends and visited them and we all ate (including Adella).

My in-laws’ place was carpeted in spring beauties and violets. The vibrant purple was thick. I felt like I could swipe my hand over the grass and pull out violets by the fistful.

We did lots in Cincinnati: LADD awards banquet at the ballfield, lunch date alone, zoo visit, and two parties.


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