Flashes of Red
There seems to be a flock of red wing blackbirds that gather around our little house on Rogerson Drive. I last heard them as the leaves were turning. Now, I hear them again as the days warm to 70F. For years, I've suspected that they were Red Wings - even reaching back in memory to West State Street Park in Athens, Ohio, where I would listen to the cackling rattles of hundreds in the Sycamore Trees, but I never could convince myself that the Red Wings would flock in such numbers. I'm more accustomed to them solitary on a cattail by the river side.
Just this spring, however, I pulled out Susan's Monarch binoculars and peered into the pines across the street. Flashes of red on the wing! I also captured a quick audio snapshot while the flock ate at our feeder.
Just this spring, however, I pulled out Susan's Monarch binoculars and peered into the pines across the street. Flashes of red on the wing! I also captured a quick audio snapshot while the flock ate at our feeder.