The Blue Moon Wedding
On the tails of a blue moon, some thirty days ago, Susan and I flew north to Lorain for my sister's wedding. In high summer, Lorain dries out, the sun is hot, and the breeze is cool. It would have been a treat to get back down to the French Creek, to show my wife and my mother's new pup, Teddy Jackson, the lush bottom lands filled with arums and spicebush, to take my shoes off and wade into the creek remembering the time I swiped at the minnows or saw the giant catfish down a dark, deep pool, to rush through the mosquito filled swamps to reach that old field filled with wildflowers and turkey. But, all that was not to be. Instead, we were put to work.
I drove all over the West (and East) side of Cleveland getting kegs and bottles of beer and wine. In the end, we nearly 100 bottles left over and a couple cases of wine! Then, we spent long days out in the Oberlin country at their house, setting up the decorations, refilling the cistern, trying out the mead and cider I had made, writing my wedding speech, and catching up with old and new friends. All the effort was worth it because the wedding was a blast.
The next day, we went for breakfast at the Feve, myself and Susan, Jessica and Brian, and Rosalie and Tori. Most of us were shaking off a healthy amount of drink from the previous night, which coincidentally ended at the Feve with a round of jalapeno potato chips. We had a lot of good laughs.
That afternoon, Susan and I went back to the house to help with the clean-up and eat some delicious left overs. I don't think I'll forget that giant tub of macaroni and barbecue chicken as long as I live.