Up On a Houstop
"This is what you get for being skinny," Jeff said as I stepped onto the very top of a wobbly, wooden ladder, flopped my chest onto the pitched roof, and looked for something to grab. With nothing in sight, I improvised a little. I got finger under the corner of a shingle, pried it up (to get a better grip), and pulled myself up and over the gutter. Amazingly, the shingle held and I was soon off of the ladder and onto the roof over Sean and Mary's foyer. From there, it was a simple matter of opening an unlocked window and climbing into the attic. Overall, it was an unexpected end to a busy Saturday. For our fourth and final wedding this year, we were back in Athens. This time, we stayed with our friends, Sean and Mary, their daughter Lou, and their cat buddy - and possibly a ghost, but more on that later. They just bought a house situated on a pastoral couple of acres in the The Plains. We met in town for a Casa dinner before retiring to their house, a brick two-stor...