A sneaking love...

I am not chris tomazic. I don't have his ears, his cochlea, his inferior colliculi, his cortical regions that are so finely tuned to frequency and cordance discrimination. I don't have his motor skills or his tactile sensitivity, which has allowed him to discriminate between pressing too hard and pressing too soft on a particular guitar string. I don't have his years of experience, his knowledge of the staff, or of audio technology. Most of all, I don't have his passion. I can't, won't, and before him, would never dream of playing the same song over and over, no less the same chord.

So, here I am to you, not the Chris Tomazic. Not the talent, not the skill, and not the passion that was required to produce the song that you are about to hear. I like to think that I was possibly the inspiration, but that prestigious assignment more than likely belongs to the mountains, to the wind, to quantum physics. My involvement is no more than a mere coincidence of time and place.

Despite my unseemly association with his music in particular, the songs of Chris Tomazic have brought me more euphoria than I thought possible. His voice is unique to many, but to me is just beautiful. So, while I may not have the finess to discriminate, nor the discrimination to criticize, I begged for the opportunity to introduce this, only one of the most beautiful songs you will ever hear from this man.

-Susan Lyons


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