Pictures of Puerto Rico

As per usual, we headed to breakfast after church this morning, me, Dad, Grandma Tomazic, Father K. and a whole gaggle of old ladies from S.S. Cyril and Methodius, Slovenian, Roman Catholic (thank you very much) Church. The ladies were a-buzz with questions: "When are you going back to school?"

Actually, I graduated almost two years ago. I'm headed to Puerto Rico a week from Tuesday with my grandpa. I'll be there till February.

"Oh, the weather will be wonderful down there! How's your sister?" (they love Jessica because she graduated from the South Hudson Institute of Technology.)

She's wonderful, ma'am. In Germany still. Dad's set to visit her next week.

"Both of you gone for a trip then?! Wonderful! God bless you!"

Let's hope, ma'am.

Here's some pictures from a trip that Mom, Rosalie, Aunt Mona and girl cousin Christina took to Puerto Rico back in June.

Grandpa's house. Behind a fence. Pink trim. Built in the mid-ninties. Two bedrooms and baths upstairs and a full apartment underneath the house.

Did I mention that my grandpa is a little white dog? Luckily, he has an old, Puerto Rican man to take care of him.

Other residents of "La Casa Carrero" (Carrero is Grandpa's last name), include this spooky wooden Indian (left). The spooky wooden woman is me ma'am.

Now, this is the place that I'll booze away most of my money: THE CHICKEN PIT! Cock fighting (get them thoughts out of your head, sicko, children read this blog) is a popular sport in PR. Grandpa was telling me how he owns about 20 game cocks (smirk). Grandma Tomazic was telling me today that about her only worry for me is "that chicken fighting i saw a program about it on tv the other day and if your grandpa wants to take you there you just tell him that maybe you guys can go and see some sights instead and you never know what can happen you may have the right words to get him to change his mind... " Did I mention that my grandpa is an old, Puerto Rican man(there's this nasty rumor about him being a dog. total lie. don't know where it started)? Hello? STUBBORN-AIN'T-NO-CHANGING-HIS-MIND. Besides, I'm so looking forward to the chicken pit (though I didn't tell Grandma Tomazic that).

And, anyways ... CHICKENS ARE FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!!! Meet strange Puerto Rican man #'s 1 and 2, girl cousin, Christina, Grandpap, Aunt Mona and lil' sis, Rosalie.

And, one last thing:

Did I mention booze on the beach???

Hey, these pics and more from the trip up in my public box (blue icon on the top of the sidebar).


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