Taking my good old time.

I put up some new pics today. Check them out at the top of the column at left. My dad gave me a disposable camera when he visited me in the woods. I took a couple pictures of my camp and some more pics on the way back to Athens and some pics around Athens.

I've been camping up at Bong Hill. A couple days ago, I cut down three paw paw trees and one maple. I did this just using a large knife. The paw paws came down pretty easy. I just sliced around the base of the tree then broke the trunk by bending the tree over (these were just an inch or two in diameter). The maple, however, was tough to fell. I've seen someone cut down a maple with a knife before, and I tried to imitate, but my knife was pretty dull. I got it down, though. Then I stripped them of their bark and cut them into lengths. I lashed them together to make a tent frame. I put a tarp over the frame.

I also joined a new band, Silo Circuit. I first heard those guys (and girl) about a year ago. They play Klezmer rock. Well, the night before I left for my bike trip I was at a bluegrass jam with my banjo. My old roomie, Troy (who's also in Silo Circuit), was there and after the jam he asked me to join up. I was excited and said that I would when I returned. He and I and the rest of the band got together last Friday and I learned some tunes for a gig on Saturday. That was the Reclaim Music Festival in Meigs County, Ohio. It was a sweet gig. We played at about 3 in the morning (Sunday morning). Then I stayed up jamming until about 5.

I don't want to leave Athens yet. I've just started with this band, and I feel like I'm really getting to know some people. I want to stay here and get a job, play some music, camp, etc. I'm ready to start my life in the real world!


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