Poage Landing Days, Ashland, KY
When I left you last, I had arrived back at Lake Vesuvius, Wayne National Forest, Ironton District, and I had begun to turn my attention to my bike. Now, that bike would cause me more headaches than I care to remember right now, so let's leave that scene for a bit and skip ahead to yesterday when I rode my (fixed) bicycle into Ironton.
I awoke to grey skies forboding rain. I crawled out of my spacious stick and leaf hut and pondered what to do. Ryan had left for Athens just last night and wouldn't be back until Sunday, so I had some alone time on my hands. I'd planned to ride into Ironton today, but the rain made me feel uneasy about that. So, I decided just to eat breakfast and take it from there. Rain did drizzle down off and on while I ate, but because it wasn't much I decided to make the ride. It'd be fun to visit the town. Plus, I had a birthday present for my sister I wanted to mail.
So, six miles into town without a hitch. The new inner tube Ryan brought back worked just fine. I'd talked to a young man a week earlier who told me that an OU branch campus was located on 9th street, so I searched it out and found it without much difficulty. OU Ironton has a campus that consists of only 4 major buildings, but it's a pretty campus none-the-less. The buildings are consistent with the style that the Athens campus adheres: red brick, a contemporary spin on old Grecco-Roman styles. I parused the book store, and found a computer lab where I wrote up yesterday's post. I then rode across the street to a soda stand - the name of which escapes me at the moment - where I enjoyed a burger and fries and a few phone calls home. All along I'd been developing a plan and after a hand-drawn map and directions from the boy across the counter, I was on the bike and riding down the road to Ashland, KY.
I crossed over the 13th street bridge and after a visit to the post office (where I didn't mail Jessica's package), I found the Ashland Plaza Hotel. One credit card swipe later, I had room 601 for the night. I went up there took a shower and washed my clothes while I was at it.
It just so happens that this weekend there's a festival in Ashland: Poage Landing Days. And, I arrived Friday afternoon during the set-up. After my clothes had dried, I ventured out to the street (the festival was happening right in front of the hotel). I visited the craft booth where I talked to an area woodcarver who had some traditional German carvings that caught my eye. They were carven images of faces of bearded men with hats. He said they are placed at the entrance of a house to bring good luck.
I walked over to the Central Ave. park and admired the huge tulip poplars growing there. I also had some fun with a squirrel. I snuck up to a tree that he was hiding around. He climbed up the tree and around the trunck and was watching me, but when I froze as he came around the trunck he seemed to loose track of me. He was sniffing the air (he could smell me). When I moved again he scurried up the tree.
I went back to the festival and enjoyed a slice of pizza and the music for a few hours. Took a walk to the Paramount Arts Center where I picked up a free bag of pop corn and went back to the stage for a while longer. About 10:30 I went back to my room and watched a movie until bed.
This morning I awoke and checked out and went to the post office where I mailed Jessica's birthday tea package (spice bush, hemlock, sasafras). And, spent a few hours at the park watching a baseball game because the library didn't open until later on account of the Kentucky Senior Games Bike Race, which ran in front of the library. Now, I think I'll head back to camp. Maybe another stop in Ironton for a bite or a mug.
My birthday is Tuesday. I'll be 24. I'm thinking of heading back to Athens to celebrate. But, Athens is a two day ride and I don't plan on leaving until Monday at the earliest, so I may not make it back in time. But, I'd like to make some money and Athens is a place to do it. Take care.
I awoke to grey skies forboding rain. I crawled out of my spacious stick and leaf hut and pondered what to do. Ryan had left for Athens just last night and wouldn't be back until Sunday, so I had some alone time on my hands. I'd planned to ride into Ironton today, but the rain made me feel uneasy about that. So, I decided just to eat breakfast and take it from there. Rain did drizzle down off and on while I ate, but because it wasn't much I decided to make the ride. It'd be fun to visit the town. Plus, I had a birthday present for my sister I wanted to mail.
So, six miles into town without a hitch. The new inner tube Ryan brought back worked just fine. I'd talked to a young man a week earlier who told me that an OU branch campus was located on 9th street, so I searched it out and found it without much difficulty. OU Ironton has a campus that consists of only 4 major buildings, but it's a pretty campus none-the-less. The buildings are consistent with the style that the Athens campus adheres: red brick, a contemporary spin on old Grecco-Roman styles. I parused the book store, and found a computer lab where I wrote up yesterday's post. I then rode across the street to a soda stand - the name of which escapes me at the moment - where I enjoyed a burger and fries and a few phone calls home. All along I'd been developing a plan and after a hand-drawn map and directions from the boy across the counter, I was on the bike and riding down the road to Ashland, KY.
I crossed over the 13th street bridge and after a visit to the post office (where I didn't mail Jessica's package), I found the Ashland Plaza Hotel. One credit card swipe later, I had room 601 for the night. I went up there took a shower and washed my clothes while I was at it.
It just so happens that this weekend there's a festival in Ashland: Poage Landing Days. And, I arrived Friday afternoon during the set-up. After my clothes had dried, I ventured out to the street (the festival was happening right in front of the hotel). I visited the craft booth where I talked to an area woodcarver who had some traditional German carvings that caught my eye. They were carven images of faces of bearded men with hats. He said they are placed at the entrance of a house to bring good luck.
I walked over to the Central Ave. park and admired the huge tulip poplars growing there. I also had some fun with a squirrel. I snuck up to a tree that he was hiding around. He climbed up the tree and around the trunck and was watching me, but when I froze as he came around the trunck he seemed to loose track of me. He was sniffing the air (he could smell me). When I moved again he scurried up the tree.
I went back to the festival and enjoyed a slice of pizza and the music for a few hours. Took a walk to the Paramount Arts Center where I picked up a free bag of pop corn and went back to the stage for a while longer. About 10:30 I went back to my room and watched a movie until bed.
This morning I awoke and checked out and went to the post office where I mailed Jessica's birthday tea package (spice bush, hemlock, sasafras). And, spent a few hours at the park watching a baseball game because the library didn't open until later on account of the Kentucky Senior Games Bike Race, which ran in front of the library. Now, I think I'll head back to camp. Maybe another stop in Ironton for a bite or a mug.
My birthday is Tuesday. I'll be 24. I'm thinking of heading back to Athens to celebrate. But, Athens is a two day ride and I don't plan on leaving until Monday at the earliest, so I may not make it back in time. But, I'd like to make some money and Athens is a place to do it. Take care.