A new bike in my life.

Well, so much has happened since we've last talked. In the first part, I have lost my car, meaning I've no longer an easy way of long range transportation (talking over 15 miles here). I may not have told you this before, but I broke my bike. Yep. It's kind of embarassing to admit it, but I fell off my bike and it broke! I was riding down this real steep hill in Athens (Walnut Street, to be precise), and I was thinking, "Boy, how about that if I fell off this bike?" And I did fall off! I ran into the curb and my bike fell out from under me, and we both slip along the curb! Welll, I had these pretty thick pants on, which help up right well. But, my bike got hurt. It bent its fork, and that's not a pretty thing to happen.

Well, the handle bars were all crooked (cause the fork was bent!), and I hobled that thing back to my house and didn't do a thing with it since about two months back. But then a couple mornings ago, my car brakes go out! And, I'm driving along Hooper Ridge Road with a brake light on and one of my front rear brakes working! And I drove all the way to work, and then back to Athens like that! And the mechanic says it'll be $200 and more. So I think, well, I'll just as gladly (and probably more so) spend the money on a new bike. So that's what I did.


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