I've posted a new song to the podcast.

What you must understand is this: I have adventures. It's what I do. After a long day at the office; on Sundays when I don't look at the clock; on my way to the bar uptown, something magical happens to me. It happens because I want it to happen. I will it into existance.

The song is about an adventure. I went down to the Hocking River and sat with the banjer. The birds darted over the water, perhaps snagging bugs. They'd shoot past me, turn left and right, rise in a graceful arch and fall back to the water again. On that day was I introduced to Kildeer. I've seen him many times since.

When I first looked at Nature with love in my eyes, I was looking at a tree. Then I talked to the trees because they are my friends. I talked to Giant Sycamore and Grandmother Spruce. At the river I saw a plant, and I saw soft prickles under its leaf (down the midrib) and on its stem. Then the plant talked. "Don't eat me," it said. "I won't eat you, my friend." "Don't touch me." "My friend, I will touch you, but I will do so with care. You are my friend." Then I stood back and looked at it. "You are growing in a dynamic environment, friend. I can hardly believe you would grow here." He did not speak further.

Oh, the ducks are out on a sandbar. They are cautious. They avoid me earnestly. But one day I walked across the river and snuck up on them. When they detected me, they very quietly entered the water and swam away. Very quietly. I hid behind the edge of the bank for just a moment and when I looked back they were quietly swimming away.

So, you must know that I have adventures. And this song is about my adventures at the river on one day in the late spring. So, enjoy it.


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