
Showing posts from July, 2015

That Ohio Feeling

I heard about the passing of family friend last week. I met Lon years ago on a detour while my Father drove me back to college. I've always enjoyed watching my father interact with his friends, and Lon was a nice enough man in his own right. These jaunts to meet him were really rather peaceful. I was sad to hear the news. He seemed sincere, and my father was close to him. It reminded me of this old post, which I drafted, but never published. Here it is with a few revisions... This past weekend, I made it back to Ohio for, Rosalie's, my younger sister, graduation from high school. My older sister, Jessica, was also at home, having been discharged from the Army just about a month back. I flew into Cleveland Friday night, and Saturday morning Jessica, my father, and I went to Loudonville, OH where Jessica was participating in a 100 mile mountain bike race through Mohican State Park. At seven o'clock Dad and I saw Jessica off at the starting line, six hundred bike...