Smears of energy
That's all we are really - energy smears on a quantum fluctuation. In this perspective, irreparable harm takes on a different meaning. I speculated to Susan as we did our Saturday chores. What's the worst I can do? Forced proton decay? Take away your ability to form matter? You'd be a weak energy field diluted over the whole of space. Ah, but we're not much more anyways. Little energy smears going round and round the same path in our solar system at the same relative speed. I watch TNG and I wonder at the endless adventures that a starship crew could find in the cosmos. Bizarre ruptures in space time. Dimensional shifts. Quantum creatures. How extraordinary. And what adventures do I find? A deformed spring beauty (seriously). Peas are up in the garden. New Elvis record. In my world, matter is always perfectly coalesced, time is nice straight line, and quantum fluctuations are a thought experiment, but then again, here I am traveling the same path in space, at the same...