n-Track Tuner App - iPad in Music Education Series, #2
Every music teacher needs a properly tuned instrument. As such, electronic tuners have become a staple in most musicians' gear bag. Here is a short review of a free tuning app, called n-Track Tuner. Although another review suggests that this tuner is less than adequate, but I would disagree. Like most apps, there are features here which will not be useful to everyone. Likewise, there may be useful features which are not present. As a performing musician and teacher, I had no difficulty using it and would recommend it to other iPad-savvy educators who also appreciate budget-friendly apps. The tuner has two modes. In analyzer mode (above), the app will listen to audio through the iPad's mic. A graph of the frequency analysis is displayed against a grid that marks reference frequencies (in Hertz) and decibel levels. A triangle points to the frequency of the note that is tuning. The right side of the screen displays an overall signal level graph, which is probably not useful for t...