
Showing posts from June, 2007

a few things all in lower case.

a few days ago i took a shower, the first shower in, oh, three months ... if you don't count showering in the rain storms (which have been precious few). bramble is a dog after my heart. she swims in the hocking river. i've walked across that piece a few times. today i chose a deep spot. the water was up to my waist. derek and i run in the same pack. we're kin. he likes to chill and bark at birds. he also likes to walk through tall grass. when we walk in the woods, i don't hold his leash. he'll run ahead, then turn around to make sure i'm following. he likes to sniff but not as much as bramble. when i went to the woods yesterday i met two boys about my age. they were on a rock at the shore of bur oak lake. we chilled for a bit. i told them about an easy way back to their camp. it's a shorter way, too. we left each other. i went into the woods, built a fire, cooked some fish (wrapped in burdock leaves) and walked back to the car. when i got back to the car i ...

I have returned from an amazing journey.

You may have thought this blog - this Blog-azic - had fallen victim to that long, cold oblivion that is the fate of many web pages: a page on the web not updated since 1997, viewed only by chance of a random Google search . In fact, I have taken a sabbatical. I traveled to the mist-shrouded mountains of the Far East where I bartered my shirt and pants for a tunic of finely spun silk. Garbed in that manner, I did climb to the peak of the Mountain of Blue Flame and there did I build an alter of uncut stone. Upon the alter I placed a bundle of bones and feathers, wrapped in the skin of yearling lamb, and mingled with dried sage. I fasted and prayed, and sang and danced, for thirty days and nights, and after I had spent my energies (when I was on the brink of exhaustion) upon the alter appeared Sacred Blue Flame. It consumed the bundle and lifted up a sweet fragrance to Heaven. And, lo, the clouds rolled back and the sky was cleaved in two, and I saw descending from the Void an angel cloth...