I went to the Wayne National Forest near Burr Oak State Park on Tuesday afternoon. After driving around the state park, I entered the Wayne's campground. This time of year, camping on the grounds is free. I found a delightful spot under some tall white pines. The afternoon sun was falling lightly onto the forest floor. I built a lean-to between two pines, one relatively young and the other relatively old. As I watched the sun set that evening, I noted its setting point on the horizon with a compass. It set nearly due west. The moon - a sliver of white - was in its earliest phase after the new moon. It was low in the western sky, following the sun to the other side of the world. I took in the sights and sounds as light left the earth and darkness flooded in to fill the space: a skunk bumbles out of the forest away down the path. It sniffs around then looks back at me. He seemed to decide I was better left alone and went back into the underbrush. I slept a cold sleep. The temperatur...